Minitab 22 Full Update Notes

Release Date: 20 March 2024

Minitab Statistical Software Version 22.1.0 is available to customers who manage their Minitab subscription in the Minitab License Portal. This release includes new features and enhancements.


New Features in Minitab 22.1.0

New Statistical Methods

  • Nonparametric Capability
  • Automated Capability
  • Evaluate Measurement Process (EMP Crossed)


  • One-Proportion Hypothesis Tests and Confidence Intervals


  • Interactive Pareto Chart
  • Interactive Tabulated Statistics
  • Additional Graph Editing Capabilities for Interactive Graphs


Problems Resolved in Minitab 22.1.0

Desktop and Web Application

  • In some cases, the rounding rules in the Descriptive Statistics table made the calculation look incorrect. (165423)
  • The LET command handled missing values inconsistently when run as part of a macro and when run outside of a macro. (181599)
  • Bubble plot gridlines were cleared after editing a graph and updating. (183095)
  • When graph creation included data labels, editing Y-value data labels did not respond to changes. (183559)
  • Duplicated control IDs in the Send to Report dialog caused assistive technologies to read the wrong label. (184753)
  • Hidden series become visible without edits when edits are applied to other variables. (184888)
  • Variable names that mimicked HTML tags did not show in graphs. (182860)
  • Reliability commands failed to converge in data with mostly missing values. (185110)
  • Live-linking did not update graphs when the SEPARATE variable changed. (185130)
  • Data symbols in scatterplots that did not show if they were completely covered by other points remained hidden when they were uncovered by a scale change. (184751)
  • The Analyze Mixture Design generated incorrect command language when the data was affected by numeric noise. (185842)
  • Nonnormal capability analyses errored when the specification limits were much wider than the data. (185675)
  • Cox Regression dialogs did not re-analyze categorical variable levels when the dialogs were re-opened. (186220)
  • Older projects containing certain graph commands crashed when opened if the worksheet containing the graph source data had been deleted. (186238)
  • Some calculations for confidence intervals used an incorrect denominator degrees-of-freedom. (186141)
  • CART did not use the column Value Order to create cross-validation folds. (186201)
  • Cross Tabulation duplicated long category names when the table exceeded the maximum output width. (133849)
  • Output tables did not show some text edits after the initial changes. (185673)
  • MANOVA would silently fail if an inestimable term was in the model in the multivariate case. (179979)
  • A column name that contained an asterisk was confused with an interaction term in multiple regression. (186386)
  • Some Reliability commands did not check for groups with all missing values before calculation. (186411)
  • Accelerated Life Test Plans calculated sample sizes with the scaled variance instead of the unscaled variance in some cases. (186693)

Web Application

  • Reference lines that were deleted in Minitab Desktop showed in a project opened in Minitab Online. (183069)
  • Some labels in dialogs had incorrect visual styling. (183117)
  • Undoing scale transformation changes in the presence of user-created reference lines could misplace the reference lines. (183596)
  • If the original dialog did not issue the GRID subcommand, then gridline customization commands were not included when copying command language. (185158)
  • Minitab Online used incorrect validation for user inputs containing a decimal separator that was not a period. (186522)
  • Under highly abnormal data conditions, the AD statistic in probability plots ignored the contribution of extreme points. (186629)
  • Non-ascii characters in project titles were displayed incorrectly in Minitab Online. (186625)

Desktop Application

  • The unsupported YEAR formula caused a crash when subsetting on formula results. (185529)
  • Individual Value Plot and Interval Plot tried to show unrendered groups after edits of individual symbols. (185595)
  • Minitab dialogs were overwritten and not restored after showing the OSI PI connection dialogs. (185905)
  • DDE link information did not capture the project title when saved so the link was disconnected when the project was opened. (186208)
  • Column descriptions with too many characters caused too many lines to be added to the column description tooltip. (186591)
  • When creating a LAYOUT, some graph types were saved to the LAYOUT before the creation of the layout, which caused a crash. (186740)
  • Analyze Variability did not use the user-selected default histogram type. (186788)
  • Saving a worksheet with an invalid cell selection location caused assertion errors when the project was reopened. (186847)

Minitab 21 Full Update Notes

Release Date: 20 March 2024

Minitab 21.4.3 provides a bug fix for the desktop sign-in process on some browsers.

Release Date: 8 November 2023

Minitab 21.4.2 provides important bug fixes.

Release Date: 12 July 2023

Minitab 21.4.1 provides important bug fixes and two optional add-on modules for professionals who want guided analyses for research and development departments or reliability analysis.


New Features in Minitab 21.4.1

  • Research and Development Module – This optional add-on module empowers researchers to rapidly visualize data and relationships among variables, conduct statistical analysis to compare samples, calculate required sample sizes, fit regression models to predict outcomes, quickly design experiments to investigate relationships between inputs and outputs, and perform reliability and survival analysis.     
  •  Reliability Module – This optional add-on module equips engineers with the ability to plan reliability testing and demonstrations, calculate required sample sizes, analyze censored data, fit regression models for failure times, perform accelerated life testing, conduct warranty analysis, and analyze repairable systems.   


Problems Resolved in Minitab 21.4.1

Web Application

  • When running some specific analyses and sending the output to a report, Minitab may crash. (189236)

Desktop and Web Application

  • You cannot open MPX project files from a network location when deduplication is enabled. (185715)
  • Various analyses with graphs crash Minitab 21.4 when ‘My Footnote > Worksheet name’ is enabled. (186218)
  • Between/within capability analysis uses the wrong degrees of freedom for confidence intervals. (186305)

Release Date: 29 March 2023

This update includes our proprietary MARS®  Regression feature which expands upon Minitab’s predictive analytics capabilities to create accurate predictive models for a continuous response with many continuous and categorical predictor variables. Minitab 21.4 also includes graph editing enhancements and the ability to update or create new results for some statistical features when data change.


New Features in Minitab 21.4

  • The following additional graph editing options are now available in Graph Builder.
    • Regression Fit can be added to Scatterplot and Matrix Plot.
    • Percentile Lines can be added to Probability Plot.
    • The Probability Plot Y-scale can be adjusted to Probability or Score, in addition
      to Percent.
    • The scale on a Histogram can be adjusted to specify an interval type and an
      interval definition.
  • Additional analyses in Basic Statistics, Time Series, and Regression can be updated in the
    output pane when data changes.
  • The Predictive Analytics Module now includes MARS® Regression.


Problems Resolved in Minitab 21.4

Desktop Application

  • Minitab may crash when you try to conduct a 1-Sample t or 1-Sample Z on a column that is
    empty. (185035)
  • Minitab may crash when you undo a graph edit that caused a warning or error to appear.
  • The desktop application displays the incorrect product version under Help > About Minitab in all
    non-English language versions. (186026)

Web Application

  • Using the browser back button may cause the web application to lose its current session.
  • You cannot see the Help, OK, or Cancel buttons in the graph gallery dialogs unless you scroll.
  • The caution message that is displayed when you cut, delete, or clear data is unclear and not fully
    translated. (198730)

Desktop and Web Application

  • The Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test table is not properly formatted when sent to a report.
  • Probability Plot does not display error message when the chosen distribution is incompatible
    with Scale type. (199707, 199712)
  • In Generalized Linear Model, the hierarchy check is incomplete when an interaction exists
    between two nested terms. (178236)
  • When you edit an analysis with multiple graphs, the vertical scroll position of the Options pane
    and the expand/collapse state of the accordion controls reset when you select a different graph.
  • The Graph Options Pane may not reflect the current state of the graph with Undo/Redo.
  • The test results for control charts are not included when sent to a report. (185189)
  • Probability Plot does not display warnings when a distribution cannot be fit. (195154)
  • The Graph Builder Histogram shows an incorrect tooltip in grouped cases. (196312)
  • The Graph Builder Probability Plot tooltip is incorrect when a custom Y axis label is used.
  • When you save a project that includes a Taguchi design with missing data in the factor column,
    you cannot open the project later. (185777)
  • The Distribution Parameters table for the Graph Builder Histogram does not honor styling
    Options that you set in the project. (197260)
  • An error may occur when you use Tables > Descriptive Statistics with data that includes missing
    values. (200524)
  • The Parallel Coordinates Plot crashes when all missing columns are used. (201863)
    An error is produced when you update an Individuals Chart with time scale reference lines.
  • Minitab crashes when you paste formatted cells and additional columns in a new project.
  • A Minitab project file created in version 21.3.1 cannot be opened in version 21.1.1. (186092)
  • Minitab may crash when saving a project that includes a Z-MR chart. (205079)
  • Minitab may crash if a hidden column is deleted, and then the Undo action is performed.
  • The accuracy measures (MAPE, MAD, MSD) for Time Series models in the Portuguese version of
    Minitab are inconsistent between the application and Help content. (182749)

Release Date: 8 December 2022

Minitab 21.3.1 provides important bug fixes.

Problems Resolved in Minitab 21.3.1

Desktop Application

  • Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) links within a project result in corrupted projects.
  • (185924) Opening a Minitab project file within Minitab Engage® or Minitab Workspace® causes Minitab® Statistical Software to crash. (185903)

Desktop and Web Application

  • Predictions from CART®, TreeNet®, Random Forests®, and Discover Best Model are incorrect when categorical predictors with single quotes in the levels are included in the model. (185948)

Release Date: 8 December 2022

Minitab’s Graph Builder now includes Interval Plot and Matrix Plot. For subscriptions that use the Minitab License Portal, the login experience has changed. Also, three optional add-on modules are now available for professionals who want guided analyses for the insurance industry, measurement system analysis, and sample size analysis.

New Features in Minitab 21.3

  • The following interactive graphs are now available in Graph Builder.    
    • Matrix Plot
    • Interval Plot
  • Distribution Fit can now be added to Histogram in Graph Builder.
  • Measurement System Analysis Module – This optional add-on module provides guided data analysis to solve all the most common MSA challenges. Get right to problem solving without worrying about which analysis to use.
  • Sample Size Module – This optional add-on module help you to estimate the required sample size to assure you will have enough power to meet your needs.
  • Insurance Module – This optional add-on module provides guided data analysis to solve common insurance industry challenges. Shift your focus to improving key performance indicators (KPIs) like Time to Settle a Claim, Revenue per Policy Holder, and Claims Ratios without worrying about which analysis to use.

Problems Resolved in Minitab 21.3

Desktop Application

  • Users are unable to sign in to the Desktop application based on specific security policies set by their company. (PR184019) The Print Data Pane dialog is missing the OK button in German. (PR183949)
  • Duplicating a Scatterplot with an overlaid model and scale transformation produces an error. (PR176146)
  • Editing a Line Plot to show percent values then duplicating the graph creates a graph that does not match the original. (PR174159)
  • A macro that includes a subroutine which includes the PPLOT command causes the application to crash. (PR182245) A macro that includes the command MTITLE causes performance issues on later runs. (PR185457)
  • Copying and pasting data from Excel into a new Minitab worksheet causes an assertion failure. (PR185388)
  • Selecting the Cancel button in the Graph Builder dialog can sometimes cause the application to crash in memory intensive use cases. (PR185031)

Web Application

  • The application crashes when attempting to edit a Matrix Plot that was created via Graph Builder. (PR185721)
  • The application crashes when a Dotplot is added to a Report. (187415)
  • Some graph types that are set to auto update produce an error when an edit is applied to the graph twice. (192654)

Desktop and Web Application

  • Individual value plots that display many outputs do not always display properly. (PR183109)
  • In 2-Sample Poisson, Sample Rate values are incorrect in the output. (PR185333)
  • In some cases, symbols with a Z value greater than ~200 do not appear on Contour Plots. (PR185614)
  • A Minitab Online project that is opened in the desktop application displays copy and paste problems when the copied and pasted columns are hidden. (PR185697)

Release Date: 29 June 2022

Minitab Statistical Software has added Forecast with Best ARIMA Model, Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test, and Box-Cox Transformation to our Time Series features. Graph Builder now includes Line Plot, Stacked Area Graph, and Pie Chart and enhancements to Histogram and Time Series Plot. For compliance reasons, this software release also ensures that users on high school subscriptions cannot navigate to our website from within our apps (Minitab Statistical Software web, Minitab Statistical Software desktop, and License Portal).


New Features in Minitab 21.2

  •  There are three new features in the Time Series Menu
    • Box-Cox Transformation
    • Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
    • Forecast with Best ARIMA Model
  • The following interactive graphs are now available in Graph Builder.
    • Line Plot
    • Pie Chart 
    • Stacked Area Graph 
  • Publish to Model Ops – From Minitab Statistical Software, directly publish a supported model to Model Ops by clicking the Publish to Model Ops button.

Problems Resolved in Minitab 21.2

Desktop Application

  • In a concurrent License Portal subscription, closing the Minitab 20 desktop app without explicitly clicking “Sign Out”, does not immediately release the seat. (183723)
  • When you update a graph that has a different decimal separator than you are currently using, the update sometimes fails. (183729)
  • Minitab crashes when a column with missing values is used with the Assistant Menu Graphical Analysis Main Effects Screener. (185406) 
  • In the graph Layout Tool window, the graph names listed in the list box are not synchronized with the graph names in the output pane’s Navigator. (179709)
  • Resaving some large projects (for example, 1GB) can be problematic. (184713)
  • In the Cox Regression dialog box, options in the Censor drop-down menu are omitted if the Censor column contains missing values. (185044)
  • When you set Pareto and Half normal preferences under File Options, then create a General Full Factorial Design, an unexpected error occurs. (185273)

Web Application

  • Adding a Dendrogram to a report causes Minitab to crash. (174330) The “Graph Options” menu is missing for Line Plot. (185042)
  • The Analyze Factorial dialog box does not allow a center-point term when the design has center points. (184695) When you store standardized results in a named column, an error occurs. (184458)
  • When you assign a formula from the right-click menu with a column name that contains “let”, an error occurs. (183540)

Desktop and Web Applications

  • A categorical predictor that is not used to build the optimal tree in CART may be incorrectly listed as the most important variable in Relative Variance Importance Plot. (184330)
  • An exception error occurs with Matrix multiplication in the Response Optimizer. (184721)
  • A Run-Time Exception for Double Exponential Smoothing occurs with large amounts of data. (178441)
  • If you run CART classification with a large amount of data, Minitab might crash. (184443)
  • In the Terms sub-dialog box of Analyze Mixture Design, the Chinese translations for “linear” and “quadratic” are reversed for the mixture amount term order. (180734)
  • In the Graph Builder, Bar Chart shows “Mean” for the function, but uses “Count” in the graph that is generated. (172218)
  • The ability to create extreme vertices design (EVDESIGN) depends on the entry order of the components. (185225) 

Release Date: 30 March 2022

Minitab Statistical Software now offers two optional add-on modules for professionals who want guided analyses for supply chain operations or customer contact centers.

New Features in Minitab 21.1.1

  • Supply Chain Module – This optional add-on module allows users to shift focus to improving key performance indicators (KPIs) like cycle time, inventory, delivery, quality, profitability, and costs rather than worrying about which analysis to use. 
  • Customer Contact Center Module – This optional add-on module allows users to shift focus to improving key performance indicators (KPIs) like service levels, utilization and cost, ticket volume, time management, ticket resolutions, and customer satisfaction rather than worrying about which analysis to use.

Release Date: 27 October 2021

Our latest release, Minitab Statistical Software Version 21.1.0 is available to customers who manage their Minitab subscription in the Minitab License Portal. This release includes new features and bug fixes.


New Features in Minitab 21.1.0

  • Automated Machine Learning (also known as AutoML) can now choose the right predictive analytics model for you through the Predictive Analytics Module
  • Cox Regression techniques available in the Reliability/Survival menu
  • Enhanced graph editing options and added Interactive Probability Plot in Graph Builder

This update is only available to customers who manage their Minitab subscription in the Minitab License Portal.


Problems Resolved in 21.1.0

  • When you create a histogram, probability plot, or empirical CDF from the Graph menu and specify a distribution, Minitab may display an incorrect error, even if Data Options was used to exclude the portion of data that causes the error. (143049) 
  • If you use stepwise regression to analyze a mixture design with process variables, and one or more process variables are dropped by the stepwise procedure, the dropped process variables appear in the output with coefficients of zero. As a result, graphs of the model, including contour, surface, and optimization plots, show that the dropped process variables have no effect on the response, even though these variables were not included in the model. (9047) 
  • Creating a Minitab graph can crash Minitab if you have an outdated or incompatible video card driver. (6501) 
  • In rare circumstances, Minitab project files (*.MPJ, *.MPX) can become corrupt, and Minitab will be unable to open these files. (124217, 007128)
  • In rare cases, customers have received the following error message when opening a project file: “An error has occurred while reading project file: MYFILENAME.MPX.” (8548, 8610, 8908) 
  • Graphs based on models with weights do not show as out-of-date if you modify the data in the weight column. (172888)
  • When you open a text file (*.TXT), the Preview window may appear empty if the first 100 or more rows are empty or when you type a value of 100 or greater in First row to import. (175474)
  • The Cancel button in the standard toolbar is not responsive with a slow running macro. (179705) WORKAROUND: Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+Break. 
  • When you open a project in English that was created in a non-English language, the dialog boxes that you used will still appear in the non-English language. (179748)
  • The legend for the Parallel Coordinates Plot may be incomplete until the graph is resized. (182566)
  • If you send a large amount of output, such as a CART® Classification tree with many nodes, to Minitab Workspace™ or Companion by Minitab, these applications may crash. (182523)
  • Intermittently, Send to Microsoft Word® does not send all output from Minitab to Microsoft Word® . (179956)
  • In some cases, printing a Parallel Coordinates Plot from the command level context menu in the Output Pane may not work and may prevent printing at the command level for other commands. (182664) 
  • If the internet is disconnected when you work with a project in an online repository (Microsoft OneDrive® or Google Drive™), the project in the repository may remain locked. WORKAROUND: In the online repository, check in the project or discard the check out. (182648)
  • To share Google Drive™ projects in Microsoft Edge®, change Tracking Prevention to Basic in the Microsoft Edge® privacy settings. (182646)
  • To open worksheets (mtw and mwx) in the web version of Minitab when using Microsoft OneDrive®, you must use File > Open > Worksheet. You cannot open worksheets directly from Microsoft OneDrive®. (182652)
  • Item 17 In the web version of Minitab, you cannot copy CART® tree diagram items from the context menus when you use Safari ®. (182654) WORKAROUND: Select the tree diagram and use Command+C. 5
  • If you use comma decimal separator regional settings (German, Portuguese, French) in the web version of Minitab, you are not able to use the Response Optimizer. (182656) 
  • When you share Minitab projects through email, the recipient can only download the project and not open it directly in the web version of Minitab. (182658) 
  • When you create a project in Minitab 21 that contains a CART® model that includes the Relative Variable Importance Chart, you will not see any of the CART® output associated with that model when you open the project in Minitab 19.2020.1, 20.1, 20.1.2, or 20.1.3. (183463)
  • Binned Scatterplots in the Graph Builder do not display on Virtual Machines. (183779) 
  • Google Sheets™ cannot be opened in the Minitab Desktop app. (183963)
  • In the Minitab web app, commands that take longer than 4 minutes to complete will time out or result in an expired session. (184221) 
  • Users who are licensed through the Minitab License Portal using Single Sign-on and Multi-Factor Authentication cannot sign into the Desktop app on Microsoft Windows 8.1. (184362) 
  • Opening a project from a repository (Microsoft OneDrive® and Google Drive™) will cause the Desktop app to crash on Microsoft Windows 8.1. (184364) 
  • If a system reboot is pending and you attempt to install Minitab, the installation produces a warning that a reboot pending. (184507) WORKAROUND: Reboot your machine and then install Minitab.
  • If a system reboot is pending and a Healthcare Module user installs Minitab 21, the module does not display in the Desktop version of Minitab. (184507) 

Minitab 20 Full Update Notes

Release Date: 8 September 2021

Minitab Statistical Software has been updated to include an additional visualization, Bubble Plot, in Graph Builder. This update is also compatible with Minitab’s Healthcare Module, our optional add-on purpose built with healthcare professionals in mind.

New Features in Minitab 20.4

  • Interactive Bubble Plot available in Graph Builder. 
  • Healthcare Module – This optional add-on module includes statistical analyses and graphs using common Key Process Indicators (KPIs) in the healthcare industry.


Problems Resolved in Minitab 20.4

  • When you create a histogram, probability plot, or empirical CDF from the Graph menu and specify a distribution, Minitab may give an incorrect error, even if Data Options was used to exclude the portion of data that causes the error. (143049) 
  • If you use stepwise regression to analyze a mixture design with process variables, and one or more process variables are dropped by the stepwise procedure, the dropped process variables appear in the output with coefficients of zero. As a result, graphs of the model, including contour, surface, and optimization plots, show that the dropped process variables have no effect on the response, even though these variables were not included in the model. (9047)
  • Creating a Minitab graph can crash Minitab if you have an outdated or incompatible video card driver. (6501) 
  • In rare circumstances, Minitab project files (*.MPJ, *.MPX) can become corrupt, and Minitab will be unable to open these files. (124217, 007128) 
  • In rare cases, customers have received the following error message when opening a project file: “An error has occurred while reading project file: MYFILENAME.MPX.” (8548, 8610, 8908) 
  • Graphs based on models with weights fail to show as out-of-date if the weight column is updated. (172888)
  • When opening a text file (*.TXT), the Preview window may appear empty if the first 100 rows or more are empty or when you type a value of 100 or greater in First row to import. (175474)
  • The cancel button in the standard toolbar is not responsive with a slow running macro. (179705) 
  • The Parallel Coordinates Plot legend may be incomplete until the graph is resized. (182566)
  • If you send a large amount of output, such as a CART® Classification tree with many nodes, to Minitab Workspace™ or Companion by Minitab, these applications may crash. (182523)
  • If you hold your mouse down and drag off the bottom edge when you click on a submenu, Minitab may crash. (182604)
  • Intermittently, the XWORD command does not send all output from Minitab to Microsoft Word® . (179956)
  • Printing a Parallel Coordinates Plot from the command level context menu in the Output Pane may not work in some cases, which may prevent printing at the command level for other commands. (182664) 
  • If the internet is disconnected when you are working with a project in an online repository (Microsoft OneDrive® or Google Drive™), the project in the repository may remain locked. You will need to go to the online repository to check it in or discard the check out. (182648)
  • To share Google Drive™ projects in Microsoft Edge® , you need to change Tracking Prevention to Basic in the Microsoft Edge® privacy settings. (182646)
  • To open worksheets (mtw and mwx) in the web version of Minitabwhen using Microsoft OneDrive® , you must use File > Open Worksheet. You cannot open worksheets directly from Microsoft OneDrive® . (182652)
  • In the web version of Minitab, you cannot copy CART tree diagram items from the context menus when you use Safari ® . (182654) 
  • If you use comma decimal separator regional settings (German, Portuguese, French) in the web version of Minitab, you will not be able to use the Response Optimizer. (182656) 
  • When you share Minitab projects through email, the recipient can only download the project and not open it directly in the web version of Minitab. (182658) 
  • When you create a project in Minitab 20.2 that contains a CART model that includes the Relative Variable Importance Chart, you will not see any of the CART output associated with that model when you open the project in Minitab 19.2020.1, 20.1, 20.1.2, or 20.1.3. (183463)
  • In the Minitab web app, subsetting a worksheet based on a date returns an error. (183268)
  • Creating Binned Scatterplots with X-Y Pairs may generate incorrect graphs when the pairs of columns have unequal lengths. (183631)
  • Binned Scatterplots render empty in the Graph Builder on Virtual Machines. (183779) WORKAROUND: Check the “Disable hardware acceleration” checkbox in File > Options > Graphics > Other Graphics Options.
  • Google Sheets™ cannot be opened in the Minitab Desktop app. (183963)
  • In the Minitab web app, commands that take longer than 4 minutes to complete will time out or result in an expired session. (184221) 
  • Users who are licensed through the Minitab License Portal using Single Sign-on and Multi-Factor Authentication cannot sign into the Desktop app on Microsoft Windows 8.1. (184362) 

Release Date: 23 June 2021

Minitab Statistical Software has been updated to include Graph Builder, a new way to revisualize your data and explore graph alternatives with an interactive and easy-to-browse gallery.


New Features in Minitab 20.3

  • Graph Builder that allows you to visualize your data and explore graph alternatives. The following graphs are available in Graph Builder. 
    • Bar Chart 
    • Binned Scatterplot 
    • Boxplot 5 
    • Correlogram 
    • Heat Map 
    • Histogram 
    • Individual Value Plot 
    • Parallel Coordinates Plot 
    • Scatterplot 
    • Time Series Plot 


Problems Resolved in Minitab 20.3

  • Minitab uses an incorrect n value for the Larger is better signal-to-noise ratio when you analyze a Taguchi design with missing values for the response variable. (182578)
  • Macro won’t store values until ENDMTITLE is issued. (181525)
  • In the web app, you cannot enter continuous predictors in Response Optimizer. (183687)
  • Depending on the order of the variables for Binned Scatterplot, the calculation may be incorrect. (183631)
  • In the web app, deleting columns with an empty column in between does not work correctly. (183532)

Release Date: 13 April 2021

This update includes additional visualizations, integrations and general improvements.


New Features in Minitab 20.2

  • Predictive Analytics Module – The Predictive Analytics Module is an add-on feature that gives permitted users access to advanced predictive analytics methods: 
    • TreeNet® Classification 
    • Random Forests® Classification 
    • TreeNet® Regression 
    • Random Forests® Regression
  • Relative Variable Importance Chart update in CART – The new chart allows for scrolling when the data include many predictors.
  • Correlogram – This new graph allows users to visually compare the Pearson correlation coefficients between each pair of variables.
  • Heatmap – The Heatmap dialog box has been updated to provide a new display option and allow users to create multiple graphs at once.
  • Binned Scatterplot – The Binned Scatterplot dialog box has been updated to allow users to create multiple graphs at once using each Y versus each X or specific X/Y pairs.
  • Parallel Coordinates Plot – The Parallel Coordinates Plot dialog box has been updated to allow users to create multiple graphs at once.
  • Lag under the Time Series menu – The enhanced lag functionality allows users to have multiple root columns and to generate and store multiple lag columns.
  • Social Login – The social login feature allows users with Minitab License Portal licensing to sign into their account with Facebook or Google.
  • R Integration – The integration with R allows users to extend the functionality provided by Minitab Statistical Software for the desktop version only. Note: The validation kit has been updated for 20.2. 

Problems Resolved in Minitab 20.2

  • Editing a graph that allows crosshairs in split view crashes Minitab. (181835)
  • If you delete a graph and then change the graphed data when Automatic Updates are on and then undo both the graph deletion and the data change, Minitab crashes. (182286) 
  • Certain Taguchi Designs become corrupt. (182239)
  • Unable to save a project when the file path includes an apostrophe. (182922)
  • User notes are removed when results are updated after data change. (181983)
  • The V-mask CUSUM chart cannot be updated after data change. (181988)
  • Control charts with multiple columns will crash on save after an update. (183065)
  • Unable to open XLSX files downloaded from Google Sheets™. (183103)
  • The Recode > Use Conversion Table dialog box in the web app requires the same number of rows for the input column and the conversion table. (182138)
  • Capability Sixpack produces an error when a subgroup contains a missing value. (181201)
  • Using a mix of straight and curly quotes with the TSET command can crash Minitab. (181845)
  • In some instances, user can be blocked from opening Google Drive™ documents through the desktop app. (183000)
  • In the Minitab web app, users may get a syntax error in dialog boxes when you use regional settings other than English. (183115)

Release Date: 28 January 2021

Minitab 20.1.3 provides a bug fix to address a launch issue that occurred with some specific network configurations.

Release Date: 16 December 2020

Minitab 20.1.2 provides bug fixes for licensing and automation functionality (COM).


Problems Resolved in Minitab 20.1.2

  • To use COM, users with License Portal licensing are required to launch the Minitab Desktop application, sign in, and check “Keep me signed in”. (182788)
  • Users with License Portal licensing who attempt to sign out while in offline mode do not receive a warning message that they are offline. (182702)
  • If a user with License Portal licensing signs out while a Repository project is open, the Repository project remains locked. (182705)
  • When a License Portal user signs out of the Desktop application, the seat is not immediately released. (182708)
  • The location of the Six Sigma Toolbar is reset every time the Desktop application is launched. (182715)

Minitab 19 Full Update Notes

Release Date: 12 November 2020

Minitab 19.2020.2 provides bug fixes and important compatibility updates for macOS 11 Big Sur.

Release Date: 7 April 2020

This update includes our proprietary CART® (Classification Trees and Regression Trees) commands which expand upon Minitab’s predictive analytics capabilities to better enable you to proactively make decisions and take actions that create value by delivering better results and avoiding costly mistakes.  

New Features in Minitab 19.2020.1

  •  CART® Classification and Regression – These new commands illustrate patterns and relationships between a categorical or continuous response and important predictors within highly complicated data.
  • Cross-Validation for Regression – You can now validate models using K-fold crossvalidation or validation with a test set.
  • Cross-Validation for Binary Logistic Regression o You can now validate models using validation with a test set. 
    • You can now create a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve as part of the output.
  • The original Multi-Vari Chart for up to four factors is available again.
  • Interface Improvements
    • Graphs have updated styling.
    • The graph editing window now has a maximize button.
    • You can resize the Command line pane.
    • The new Additional Tools menu includes links to Quality Trainer® and Minitab Workspace™.
  • Integration with Python
  • Performance Improvements 


Problems Resolved in Minitab 19.2020.1 

  • Graphs display as a black box. (179903)
  • Minitab crashes if you edit a note and go to File > New Project while in edit mode. (181543)
  • Users are unable to access Online Help depending on their environment. (180937) Windows only fixes
  • Syntax error in a DO statement in a global or local macro closes Minitab. (180294)
  • When you choose Analyze Binary Response, Minitab 19 with Chinese Language crashes instead of displaying an error. (180007) Mac only fixes
  • When the grouping separator (thousands separator) is not set on the Operating System, no output displays in the Output pane. (180840)