Minitab Statistical Software has added Forecast with Best ARIMA Model, Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test, and Box-Cox Transformation to our Time Series features. Graph Builder now includes Line Plot, Stacked Area Graph, and Pie Chart and enhancements to Histogram and Time Series Plot. For compliance reasons, this software release also ensures that users on high school subscriptions cannot navigate to our website from within our apps (Minitab Statistical Software web, Minitab Statistical Software desktop, and License Portal).

Statistical Method

New Time Series Update: Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test

User Benefit

This command provides an objective way for users to decide whether to difference a time series to make it stationary before fitting an ARMA model.


Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test determines whether differencing makes the mean of the data stationary. This command is used to determine the nonseasonal differencing order when you analyze your time series data with an ARIMA model. 

Statistical Method

New Time Series Update: Box-Cox Transformation

User Benefit

Box-Cox Transformation stabilizes the variance of a time series over time for better forecasting results.


Box-Cox Transformation is a technique available on the MSS Time Series menu. It is used to make the variance of transformed time series data unchanged over time.

Statistical Method

New Time Series Update: Forecasting Best ARIMA

User Benefit

The Forecasting Best ARIMA command will do the model selection analyses for the user automatically, saving them time from having to evaluate different ARIMA models themselves and selecting best model.


Forecasting Best ARIMA automatically forecasts the future values of a times series data set. The user can also select a simpler-but-equally-good alternative model to avoid any over-fitting problems. The user is empowered to decide whether the selected model can fit the data reasonably well and produce reliable forecasting results.


Graph Builder Update: New Graphs Added

  • Line Plot
  • Stacked Area Graph
  • Pie Chart 

User Benefit

These new graphs empower users to choose the best graph when utilizing Graph Builder for their analysis.  


Graph Builder’s easy-to-browse gallery lets users seamlessly switch from one graph to the next using the same selection of data and without re-running your analysis. Users will now be able to select newly added graphs from Graph Builder: Line Plot, Stacked Area Graph, and a Pie Chart.