Minitab’s Graph Builder now includes Interval Plot and Matrix Plot. For subscriptions that use the Minitab License Portal, the login experience has changed. Also, three optional add-on modules are now available for professionals who want guided analyses for the insurance industry, measurement system analysis, and sample size analysis.


Features Update: New Graphs Added

  • Interval Plot
  • Matrix Plot

User Benefit

These new graphs are useful when working with a large sample size and assessing relationships between several pairs of variables at once.  


A matrix plot is a matrix of scatterplots that display two-way relationships between a set of variables. The Interval plot displays a t confidence interval for the mean. Confidence intervals can be displayed for multiple variables and subsets of the data. Since it is important to provide some options associated with the confidence interval methods, Minitab presents proper confidence intervals under various scenarios for user convenience.

Feature Addition: Measurement System Analysis Module

User Benefit

Minitab’s Helps users streamline problem-solving without worrying about selecting which analysis to use. 


Minitab’s Measurement System Analysis Module provides guided data analysis to solve the most common MSA challenges. Explanations are provided for each analysis, while our industry-leading technical support team is available via phone or email to help.

Feature Addition: Sample Size Module

User Benefit

Minitab’s Samples Size Module helps users estimate required sample size quickly and seamlessly.


Minitab’s Sample Size Module provides guided data analysis to estimate the required sample size to determine whether the analysis you want to perform will have enough power to meet your needs.

Feature Addition: Insurance Module

User Benefit

Minitab’s Insurance Module helps to provide data-driven insights into opportunities to improve customer satisfaction, increase revenue, and control expenses.


Written with insurance industry professionals in mind, Minitab’s Insurance Industry Module provides guided data analysis to solve common insurance industry challenges. Shift your focus to improving key performance indicators (KPIs) like Time to Settle a Claim, Revenue per Policy Holder and Claims Ratios without worrying about which analysis to use.